July 9th 2015 - Posted by Mom on her Facebook

Created by Sergio 7 years ago
"Yes, and we are each given our INDIVIDUAL gifts amd life circumstances to face.
I was given my DNA and I was born into a specific family with pre-existing circumstances.
It is NOT as cut and dried as the following.....
I KNOW this as a Special Education teacher of twenty years and as an authentic individual. I am me and I am not he, she, or you. I bore...for example, breast cancer, glad to say everyone doesn't have to. And, glad to say I have been spared other health challenges that others bare now.
May we all extend the GRACE that each in OUR OWN Shoes desparately need and deserve! We have been admonished to "Bare one-another's Burdens" for a reason. The reason is that LIFE is not designed to live alone" - Mom
